Total registrants: 592
Total submissions: 82
Countries represented: 73
💾 Best DataDAOs (1 x $6k)
💰 Best DeFi tools (1 x $6k)
🔗 Best Tools & Infra (1 x $5k)
🚀 Best Programmable Storage Markets (1 x $4k)
💻 Best Compute over Data (1 x $3k)
🃏 Wild Card: Best out-of-the-box projects (2 x $3k)
*all Filecoin prizes paid in Filecoin (FIL)
<aside> 🚀 The sponsors took the time to evaluate submissions for their bounties checking for quality, design, sustainability, etc. Each of the projects below have met the criteria and impressed the judges, and therefore will take home prizes from FVM Dataverse 2023’s terrific sponsors who were very generous with their time.
*paid in USDC
*paid in USDT
🥇First Place - $1,500: MultiSig
🥈Second Place - $200
*paid in USDC
*paid in USDC
*paid in USDC